Sunday, December 7, 2008

Setrue Patent search-A free patent search tool

A new “free” patent search tool called the Setrue Semantic Patent Search Engine has been explored by the Ipblogger. The Setrue website states that the search tool includes features such as: semantic natural language query capabilities; query auto-complete suggestions; detailed USPTO class directory structure enabling a one click segmentation of search results to a specific USPTO patent class; clustering of search results by USPTO classes; clustering of search results by years; clustering of search results by assignees; similar patents segmentation; dynamic weighting of search terms; and much more.

Ipblogger would like to mention that the Setrue semantic patent search engine is a free patent search engine for non-commercial usage only. If you are a law firm, a private patent attorney, a patent search agency, a litigation attorney, or a corporation, or if you are planning to use Setrue semantic patent search engine commercially, the website asks that the Setrue sales team be contacted first to purchase a commercial license. The basic Setrue search tool is available here, with advanced search capabilities available here.

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